Les mots clés à retenir de cette vidéo traitant de l’autorité :

  • Étymologie = faire grandir,
  • Prendre ses responsabilités,
  • Affirmer ses valeurs,
  • Mettre des limites.

Que ton OUI soit OUI, que ton NON soit NON – Matthieu V, 37.

in english


Authority, this is a word that conjures up the police and bad associations… but if we return to the word etymology autor we find that it has a very positive origin, meaning make grow.
True authority is that which has the power and duty to make the necessary decisions for the good of the family, of the business if it comes under my responsibility.
Parents can be so hesitant in responding to the numerous demands of their children.  They are pulled between the desire to make them happy and refusing for good reasons.  It takes courage to be true to one’s values when making decisions…
Parental authority sets out boundaries for children to enable them to integrate into a society where each person has his or her place. This prepares them for the frustrations that life will throw at them in the future.

Parents must set down laws with gentleness.

I like this picture: parental authority must be like an armchair. It’s comfortable to sit in, but within the strict limits of the two arms.
Knowing how to say NO is a very difficult thing. One has to endure, more or less serenely, the complaints, slammed doors and other niceties of whoever has been refused something. One has to accept that one is no longer loved …. For the time being at least.


May your YES mean YES and your NO mean NO.
Non, it’s not my coach who says it.
Yes, it’s Jesus who proclaims it.
Parents can be so hesitant in responding the numerous demands of their children. They are pulled by the desire to make them happy and refusing for good reasons. It takes courage to be true to one’s values when making decisions…
It’s also teaching children to be able to resist the consumerist pressures of today’s society. We can help them to make free choices, not controlled by advertising.
Are you afraid of saying NO to others. To anyone?
Some people have natural authority founded on wisdom and ability, which leads people to ask for their advice. The Gospel states that Jesus talked with “authority” and this is why the crowds were drawn to HIM.

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