Quel titre incontournable, pour cette nouvelle vidéo, « les besoins fondamentaux ». Sujet dans lequel nous allons aborder les besoins importants pour l’être humain afin qu’il soit heureux, en abordant :

  • Les besoins fondamentaux physiologiques,
  • Les besoins fondamentaux en terme de sécurité,
  • Les besoins de reconnaissance,
  • Les besoins d’appartenance,
  • Le besoin de réalisation,
  • Les besoins spirituels.

Besoin de la parole de Dieu: “Mon serviteur ne crie pas, il n’élève pas la voix… Il ne casse pas le roseau qui fléchit, n’éteint pas la lampe qui faiblit. » –  Isaïe XL, 2 et 3.

in english

Problems at work

It is the psychologist MASLOW who established the pyramid of basic needs for all mankind. Once the psychological and safety needs were satisfied, there was the pressing need to belong. Being part of a group, a team or an association corresponds to this need to belong. It accounts for the suffering of the exiled, of immigrants, whilst they are unable to integrate themselves into a group.

Then there is the need to be recognized for one’s achievements, one’s work and creativity. The superior was shown to be aggressive, for these 2 needs were not met and the employee was not appreciated for his work.

When we meet someone, we don’t always know what’s gone on in their life in the past.

Imagine a mountain, on top of which you have a rendez-vous with someone. You climb up a pleasant path winding through the fir trees, but you are completely unaware of what the path on the other side is like: rocks, a stream, scree, crevices. It’s only when you get to the top and find the other person that you really know what’s on the other side.
It’s only when you really talk with another that you discover, perhaps with surprise, what that person’s life has been like in the past.


Your colleague perhaps has nothing against you personally, but there is undoubtedly something which explains this aggressiveness. The colleague who’s always complaining, the rebellious teenager, the annoying neighbor, they have had, perhaps, difficult lives.
“You are precious in my sight” says God to each and every one of us.
Each person has a gleam of positive light. These lamps can have pretty lampshades, whilst others can be very dark, very ugly and allow little light through.
See every person in depth and recognize his or her uniqueness.
Have the same regard as God, that of goodness, a more penetrating, truer understanding.

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