Nos charmants enfants ont parfois le nom de nous agacer, de nous énerver. Alors, des phrases peu aimables sortent facilement de notre bouche…Il n’y a pas de mauvaises mères, de mauvais pères mais seulement des parents fatigués, parents débordés ou mal informés.

Tu es vraiment trop bête

Paroles prises au sérieux par l’enfant,
Scénario de vie auquel l’enfant obéit inconsciemment.

St Jacques: Chap.III,v.4 et 5: » Les navires quoiqu’ils soient très grands,sont dirigés par un très petit gouvernail. De même, la langue, toute petite partie du corps a un grand pouvoir. Elle peut mettre le feu… »

in english

The child doesn’t bring back the right change after buying bread.

“You’re really too stupid.”

Reaction and Analysis
The child goes away, head down. He feels humiliated and believes what has been said to him: “In any event I’m useless at sums.”
Something said on the spur of the moment in annoyance can do enormous harm. Children believe what they are told and conform to the labels they are given. It’s difficult to throw off negative, destructive experiences.

Such words are harmful, for the child feels diminished. «It’s true that I’m useless at maths.” There is then a lowering of self-esteem.
Negative messages strangle children’s feelings of self-worth.

Gospel Link:
“If you say Raca ….that is to say mad to your brother, you deserve géheme (that is to say hell)”
Jesus is very hard on these sorts of words hurled at other people. This may surprise us. Why?
For Jesus, love for another starts with respect, respect for everybody. Too often we forget that the other person is also God’s temple.
Fortunately there are words that are antidotes, inspired by the Holy Spirit. For example, revealing to someone his type of intelligence (there are 8) is to play the part of the revealer on behalf of God.

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